
DARREN .........top hair dude!

"Thin or bobbly socks offend me"

Darren says he wears socks to match his shoes, not his outfit and that's it's wrong to wear black shoes with a brown belt or vice versa. We like Darren's black Miu Mui lace-ups with plain black socks and turned up jeans. Darren can wear what he likes (he can even get away with his Ziggy Stardust hair colour which he's currently sporting) as he was quoted as being the best hairdresser in London by The Independent. Dude!
"Brand new socks and the silk socks I wear with my Dior boots. I didn't know you could get silk socks for men but they're great if you have tight fitting boots as your feet don't sweat. I even wore them in the Australian heat with my boots and my feet stayed cool. Silk socks are the GO!"


COOL town!

Someone recently ordered socks from a town I had never heard of, Ketchikan, so I looked it up on Google. If you've ever been there, I'd like to see some more pics. Just so I don't get into trouble this picture is from alaska port reviews. Maybe it's a famous place. The Alaskan site said "many of the caribbean stores are found in the downtown area" with no further explanation. Hmmm....?
Have you ever gone on holiday thinking you've found a secret exotic hideaway only to find the hotel guest book full of people you know?


BJ CUNNINGHAM..........he's the man!

"I call these my 'pulling socks'"
He's teamed these bold Pantherella socks with dark brown cowskin Zanotti desert boots. His yellow t-shirt picks up the colour in the socks nicely. If you want to wear bold socks take that style tip from BJ. Not surprising given his past - he started by importing Harley Davidson into the UK and infamously launched "Death" cigarettes which sent shivers through the industry (to say the least) - his maverick style extends to his dress sense as well. BJ now runs one of London's leading shoe labels with his wife Georgina Goodman. You're the man!
"A horizontal striped sock in Corgi quality cotton. I love the fact that I can now talk with confidence about sock brands which gives me another strange but valid cul-de-sac to go down in my conversations."


If you live in London have you noticed that girls are still wearing ballerina slippers AND without socks. It's winter and it's damp and rainy. What about wearing a pair of socks or even tights? Changing your shoes? Put the ballet shoes AWAY!

sox-populi in GRAZIA

Grazia used Falke socks in this shoot with tights and over leggings.
Great in a photo shoot but beware a knit dress without a lining, tights 'stick' and you'll get a bunched up behind. Besides how warm do you want to be? Have you tried wearing a sweater dress & tights indoors? Over-the-knee socks are a good option, avoids overheating and the 'clinging' effect.
For really cold weather socks with leggings (or tights with leg warmers) gives the layered look without the added bulk of socks over tights which make your shoes too tight and your feet too warm!

MELLOW yellow

Having coffee at Ottolenghi in Notting Hill (not that they need any publicity!) with a camera shy friend of mine who always dresses impeccably. Seen here his ankle, with yellow socks. The rest of his outfit consisted of a black turtleneck and black leather jacket. Nice look.