
Dad Buffalo 1935 style....

The world's a mess, we're racing headlong into a catastrophe that's been signposted for years. So how is wearing a fine merino or silk sock gonna help? It's not. But the mindset behind every action, every decision we make, may. It's all about our intention.
If we pay attention, listen, observe and respect ourselves and neighbours and consider the consequences of our actions than just maybe we can begin to force a change away from apathy. It's all all about the details. Each small detail mounts up and and soon begins to tip the balance. If we can take pride in ourselves, our habits, our behaviour, our appearance, our environment, not to impress others, not to be cred or cool, but just because its the best way to be, then we can begin to change.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

If a guy with your thinking ran the world, people would soon realise that actions cause consequences and consequences change everything.
My dad, now an old Jamican guy still wears a suit, hat and yes silk socks with pride. No lables required and no bling !! just perfection..