More lost socks
We're into our recycling, so how could we resist this idea on environmental site Treehugger?
At a Bernal Heights laundromat in San Francisco finding your lost sock is taken to its natural conclusion, photographed by Todd Lappin.
it starts from the feet up
We're into our recycling, so how could we resist this idea on environmental site Treehugger?
At a Bernal Heights laundromat in San Francisco finding your lost sock is taken to its natural conclusion, photographed by Todd Lappin.
Posted by socks style stuff london at 20.12.07 0 comments
Gordon Brown was recently photographed wearing this woeful shoe & sock combination on The Guardian blog.
One(!) of the problem with Gordon's socks is he likes to wear 100% cotton. It doesn't stay up and definitely should be reserved for a more casual look. Business socks are usually a finer gauge cotton or merino wool and contain some nylon so they stay put and give a more polished look.
Crocs with socks? For once we're lost for words. This article from the Washington Post....
Posted by socks style stuff london at 15.12.07 1 comments
It seems that we're not the only ones in the world concerned about sock wearing. I recently got an email from a blogger devoted to socks called The Socktorialist. Here's a picture from his blog that I thought looked quite cool and got me thinking about mismatched socks. The Socktorialist claims this was a dressing oversight but it's too good.
I started thinking about mismatched socks and soon discovered there's a whole world devoted to it. There are sites that sell mismatched socks - little miss matched, painted kiwi, united odd socks - discussion forums, gizmos that stop your socks getting lost when you do laundry from socks cop, it goes on and on!
Bewildering information overload on google.
Posted by socks style stuff london at 15.12.07 0 comments
They say a true gentleman never allows the gap between his socks and trousers to show when he sits. It also seems that the colour of men's socks can be dictated by geography - here's an international view of men's sock style from a very well know fashion blog, the sartorialist. The Sartorialist is a must have bookmark if you're interested in fashion snaps from the streets of NY, Paris, Milan, London.
In our experience American men are the most bold in their choice of sock colours. Should socks match shoes or trousers, or not at all? Check his blog and let us know what you think!
Posted by socks style stuff london at 15.12.07 0 comments
Knee socks and over the knee socks in every variation have been touted as being 'in' this winter and leading the way in fine style is Sarah Jessica Parker wearing over the knee argyle socks as part of her new Sex & the City wardrobe.
Add to it the socks with sandals combo and you need a PhD in advanced sock styling - clearly not a look that can easily be carried off by mere mortals....
The official Sex & the City site even has a section devoted to all the fashion looks by character, by series!
Posted by socks style stuff london at 15.12.07 0 comments